Boundary Review Committee Meeting resouces, agendas,and meeting minutes are regularly posted here. If you have any questions about the boundary review, email
The purpose of the Baseline Report is to develop an understanding of the baseline conditions within the District and outline how that baseline will change under the new paradigm created by reconfiguring grade groups, converting Oliver Elementary School to a middle school, and balancing enrollment across the District. By balancing enrollment and reconfiguring grade groups, the District will be able to provide age-appropriate programming and ensure continuity with neighboring school districts so that every student has what they need to learn and thrive.
The baseline data assessment was performed in June and July 2021 as part of the second phase of the Boundary Review process. FLO gathered District datasets for review and analysis. These data included current enrollment and student residence, program locations, facility capacities and grade configurations, and socioeconomic indicators. Combining these datasets, they examined factors such as school capacity utilization, capture and transfer rates, and program transfer rates. FLO also conducted interviews with municipal and county planners to determine the potential future extent of residential development within the District.
click here to view the baseline report.
If you have any questions, email
The Boundary Review Committee is charged with:
Working to identify, refine and review proposed updates to school attendance area boundaries to support long-term balanced enrollment and facility capacity for the 2022-2023 school year and beyond. The committee will engage with the public during open houses in the fall to receive feedback on their boundary scenarios. The committee will provide a recommendation to the Superintendent during the last committee meeting. The Superintendent will be responsible for evaluating the Committee’s recommendation and bringing a proposal forward to the Centennial School District Board of Directors in early 2022. Committee members may be asked to participate in the Board Meeting.
Guiding Principles
Core values serve as guiding principles for the development of the Committee boundary scenarios. These are developed from Board Policy on School Attendance Areas (JC), insights gained from land use studies, student enrollment forecasting and community survey results. A student is expected to attend the school designated for the geographic attendance area in which they reside, as stated in Board Policy JECC.
When considering boundary proposals, the Boundary Review Committee will consider, to the extent possible, the following guiding principles.
The Board recognizes that there are multiple factors to consider in satisfying the objectives of a boundary adjustment. Those factors may include:
Additional criteria include: