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November 2021 Open House Details

November 2021 Open House Details:

Our first Boundary Review Open House offered two options for our parents, staff and residents of our community to participate.

Committee Consensus Scenario #1 (presented at the November 2021 Open House)

Option 1: November 14-21, 2021

Watch a video and fill out a feedback form. The video provided an overview of the boundary review process and present a boundary map scenario. After watching the video, participants submitted a feedback form. 

English video 

Spanish video

Option 2:

Attend an in-person Open House on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 from 6-8 p.m. at Centennial Middle School, 17650 SE Brooklyn St, Portland, OR 97236.

Masks and social distancing are required at all times on site.

To gain a sense of attendance, we asked those who planned to attend in person to complete a registration form.

At the open house, attendees dropped in to receive information about the boundary review process, reviewed a boundary map scenario, and offered input through a feedback form. 




Survey Results

Survey Informs the Next Boundary Scenario for Public Input

In November 2021, we held our first Boundary Review Open House where the Boundary Review Committee presented Committee Consensus Scenario #1 for changes in attendance areas. We provided two engagement options for our parents, staff and residents of our community, including the open house and a video paired with a feedback form. Thank you to all who participated! Here are the results of the feedback and next steps.

We heard from 139 participants representing 76% parents and 21% staff. Feedback came from all elementary schools, Centennial Middle School, Centennial High School, and Centennial Virtual Academy.

Of those that responded, 7% attended the in-person open house and 87% watched the online video only.

Feedback categories were as follows:

  • 9% possible action items;
  • 5% transportation/walkability;
  • 17% equity;
  • 16% implementation/policy or district related comments/questions;
  • 4% data related questions; and
  • 50% positive; no major concerns.

We received positive feedback from many participants who appreciated the transparency, visuals, the challenging work of the Boundary Review Committee members, and the presentation and video.

The Boundary Review Committee has reviewed all input from the feedback forms. For items that can improve the boundary scenario map, they’re incorporating these into Committee Consensus Scenario #2 for public input at the January Boundary Review Open House.

This content is also available in Spanish and Russian:

Español (Spanish)

русский язык (Russian language)

Open House Details - Spanish and Russian

русский язык (Russian language)

Español (Spanish)